Live Your life by design
Make it stand out
Whatever it is, the way you tell your story online can make all the difference.
We all know that having a career we love is often at the forefront of everyone’s mind as it becomes time to enter into the workforce. Depending on our life experience, interests, and education, the variations for potential job outcomes are infinite. Nowadays we have the ability to redefine roles, create new and upcoming industries, and even reinvent the way a product or service is operating altogether. With so much freedom, it leaves room for so much gray area in order to dream and envision having a job that is truly in alignment with who we are.
As the saying goes, with great power comes great responsibility, and with this newfound power and freedom we have in the modern world, investing time in sculpting the ideal career is a must. In honor of Job Action Day, here are a few ideas for contemplation when it comes to dreaming, aligning with, or creating your own dream job.
What is it that you love to do for free when no one’s watching?
We each are born with a unique set of gifts and talents that comes to us very naturally. It’s the things that drive our natural curiosity, that we could spend hours googling and researching, or that we daydream about whenever we get the spare time. Our passions, drives, and interests inform us of our very own unique makeup. In order to have a job that feels good to us, using these interests is an important part of the equation. Identifying our true gifts and leading with those when envisioning our ideal jobs is the key ingredient towards experiencing a job with optimal life satisfaction.
2. How do you feel your unique gifts and voice could contribute to the world?
After we’ve identified our gifts, the next crucial step then becomes one of how can this gift of ours be utilized in a way that would benefit our current community and the world at large? The more value we are able to contribute to a greater purpose, the more fulfilled we are able to be individually while simultaneously being of service. A good place to start is by identifying an area, cause, or movement that you feel inspired or motivated by. With this in mind, identify what exactly it is that moves you and how you can contribute to that mission. Empowering ourselves to see that we do in fact play a role in bigger issues happening in society puts us in a place where our job can be more than just something we do but instead something we deeply embody.
3. How can you utilize your individual skillset and monetize that to the world as a trade?
With the building blocks in place, a tactical approach to the job market is a must. Whether this is scouting out potential companies that align with our core values, researching potential roles and job markets that match our innate skill set, or creating our own dream job, the world is our oyster. Doing our due diligence to locate the specific places where what we offer is needed, puts us squarely in the position of living our dream job and creating our dream life.
In essence, to live a life by our own design requires the authenticity to sit with ourselves, our truth, and lead from an internal place of conviction, planning, and intending for all the stars to align in our favor.